Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Sun Square Saturn - It's Shadow Time

Sun Square Saturn - It's Shadow Time

 Sun in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio creates a pull between your external motivation, and how you’re really feeling inside. #Integration, integration, integration. Does a work project have you feeling exhausted and drained? Perhaps you are draining yourself with a seedling doubt or fear? Oh Saturn! What shall I learn from you today? Integration comes from gaining more awareness of both the dark and the Light. Are you ready to journey into Your Saturn in Scorpio (subconscious basement) with the pure light of a Leo Sun? Lets #GetDown there. What is holding you back- perhaps being exposed? Success? Failure? Large Animals in the 12th? It’s #ShadowTime. Ok, Scorpio meet Leo in the #ShadowPlay. Time for #ShadowWork. Reminders of the dance between dark and light – being human is such a #dance (says the mutable sign : )  You get major points here if you can spot the quoted 80's.