Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn

The world has changed so dramatically with this June / July series of eclipses. And we are now entering the last eclipse of this season which appropriately lands on the birthday of the USA. What this means is that the Lunar Eclipse will be exactly opposing the Sun of our country born on July 4th.

This shows up in the 1st house (face and outer appearance of the United States) as well as the 7th solar house of the country (foreign relationships) – both of which will be undergoing an overhaul in the year to come. On top of this, the US is having its Pluto return (first since 1776) and this year in 2020, Jupiter (planet of expansion) is magnifying the whole cycle of reconstruction that we will be in for another 4 years – until this Pluto return is over. 

On a personal level with this Eclipse, we are collectively releasing all ways of doing business and exerting effort (Capricorn) that are no longer fitting for our bodies and soul. Reclaim your space and sovereignty here as we begin to realize what controls we have been operating under whether in your career, relationship, culture or your own mind. This Eclipse squares to Chiron and Mars (as the last couple have as well) exposing the collective anger and wounds from our past as a nation. Personally you may be awakening to your ancestral wounds and all that has been suppressed through your life. Take time to process and throw into the fires of purification what will no longer serve. 

This is a time of clearing as a Lunar Eclipse holds 10x the power of any average Full Moon. There is also a showing of new innovative solutions and breakthroughs as the Eclipse and Pluto in Capricorn sends a friendly nod to Uranus in the fellow earth sign of Taurus. The Uranus and Pluto earth trine will be in effect for the next 4 years, pointing to a reorientation to natural resources and divisions of power – new sustainable solutions. So as you can see, this Eclipse speaks to us as much on a personal level as it does on a collective. Wish you a wonderful weekend and a transformational eclipse season.