Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon in Leo.

And this one actually is happy for a change. It sends a friendly angle to Mars in Aries, propelling you into decisive action, especially if you’ve been sitting on a decision for a while. Take the time to clarify your vision first, then imagine yourself in the experience of it, enjoying all of the fruits if your labor, and finally act with agency knowing that time is on your side. Reality will rearrange itself quickly when you introduce this new vision for yourself.

Read below to find out where you can best focus this fire as our Leo new moon opens a portal of bright opportunity.

Aries: Initiate love, play and set the scene for a creative summer.

Taurus: There’s a new opportunity regarding your living arrangements and unexpected help from behind the scenes 

Gemini: Your writing will have potential to reach many more this month. Share your voice.

Cancer: Sometimes you undermine yourself (how dare you) and this new moon shows your ready to value yourself and ask for more out of life. 

Leo: It’s time to own up to your hearts desire. Share the light that is undoubtedly you through your teaching and creative gifts.

Virgo: You must create spaciousness in your life if you want a new future to emerge. Release the grip on the old survival story and let trust be your guide.

Libra: Despite quarantine, the stars align in your social sector with the promise of an important partnership to emerge. Align yourself with those who look forward, not back.

Scorpio: Crowning you shines a bright new moon in Leo, bringing your gifts into the spotlight. In order to actualize this success, open up to receiving the assistance of others.

Sagittarius: You have a genuine desire to help others and this new moon will bring in an opportunity to broadcast and publish your principles.

Capricorn: With all of the recent life upheavals, your family and home are taking center stage as you will have an opportunity to invest and relocate for the long term. 

Aquarius: This new moon will take your commitment to new levels whether you are entering a love or business partnership. Conversations translate to new trails you will blaze together.

Pisces: It starts from within and for you this means getting mind and body into a new routine. Once you commit to a practice, you will embody true confidence.