Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Solar Eclipse In Gemini

Eclipses give us a whole lot of information in a very short period of time - so much that we have to grow and expand our neural pathways in order to process this high octane solar light. This can definitely feel overwhelming for us here on earth, though it's also no time to  run back to the past which is no longer an option. We must go forward as an eclipse signals that there is a break in the pattern and that new story for you is about to begin

Light encodes information as our Sun is a constant stream of light - we receive a constant information signal from our Sun which gets disrupted during an eclipse. It actually realigns us with our evolution which is not always easy because most of us are creatures of habit.

This solar Eclipse in Gemini will be right next to Mercury so there will be a distinct message which becomes clearer over the next month. Simplify your life and make space for now so that you can hear the resounding message and make the life changes necessary.


There is so much movement and agility in the heavens with this eclipse in Gemini so trust change to take its course. Eclipses are here to expedite our evolution. And as Jupiter and Neptune are also now in (mutable) Pisces - a course correct or change in your life trajectory will be easier than ever.

I find it interesting that this eclipse is also conjunct 2 fixed stars: Capella and Bellatrix. Capella is a brings a sense of freedom, movement and new horizons, though with a feminine spirit. It’s a ‘give it a go - just dive in’ sort of vibe here. Bellatrix shines a light on the female warrior and strength of the feminine.

As eclipses do set patterns, it’s best practice during eclipse season to loosen the grip on what was, and open up to a new horizon. Also consider the new gradient tones of the feminine which are now emerging and influencing how we live, work and love.

At 7am EST on June 9th, the Moon will eclipse out the light of our Sun. Wish you all a transformational and courageous journey through this Eclipse Season.