Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at Taurus


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2023 | 4:24 PM ET

Read for Your Sun & Rising Sign

Today's eclipse is actually a rare friendly Eclipse showing a positive outcome… and eclipses are not always that (as you may know). It’s joining lucky Jupiter in the skies showing a happy conclusion even though the roads to arrive at this juncture have not been easy.

This Eclipse concludes a theme that’s been running through your life since the fall of 2021. Think back to what began then and consider how far you have come. The Taurus zone in your chart is where this Eclipse has been taking you through an expedited evolution. Congratulate yourself, notice your progress, and all of the challenging rites of passage.

Read your Lunar Eclipse horoscope for both your sun & rising sign. This is a theme of the last 2 years that you can now throw into the fires.

Aries - perhaps financial Security has felt threatened over the last couple years and now you will finally settle into a new pattern of stability even though it looks quite different from your vision prior. It’s more you.

Taurus - You have grown so much over these last 2 years. Now it’s time to let go of old relationship patterns as you outgrow your old self-image. Embrace your highest self.

Gemini - Your subconscious mind absolutely does run the show and now that you’ve witnessed your patterns, you choose a healthier mind-body connection and healthier daily habits moving forward.

Cancer - After a long cycle of cleaning house socially, you are now ready to enjoy life with kindred spirits and establish deep bonds. Carve out time to celebrate those you love.

Leo - After an expedited evolution in career these past couple years with eclipses meeting Uranus, you are fast-track forward. Now decide which path feels good as you emerge with hard earned wisdom under your belt.

Virgo - You’ve learned such valuable skills these last couple years and now it’s time to recognize the road you’ve paved and perhaps you choose to guide others down it as well.

Libra - It’s time for you to truly learn how to receive. The last couple years may have had you burning the candle on both sides. Now practice trust, joy and know that gifts are on the way.

Scorpio - After profound relationship lessons, you are ready to celebrate in the love you have now for yourself and open the gates to what may be truly your healthiest relationship ever.

Sagittarius - After giving so much of your energy to everyone else these last couple years, it’s time to recalibrate and create your dream days designed by you. Your health and well-being will massively improve.

Capricorn- After a couple years of unpredictability in love, you can now welcome in more fun and joy in your relationships and play in that magic.

Aquarius - Good news is on your horizon regarding a home and family matter. Perhaps you find your dream home or reconnect with family. It also seems you are finally ready to heal an ancestral story.

Pisces - Divine timing is on your side. As your network expands, consider - who you are now and how you will introduce yourself. A luminous writing or speaking opportunity will emerge.

Watch my full video on Eclipse Season here.