Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon in Aquarius

new MOON 20° aquarius

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2024 | 5:59 PM ET

Todays New Moon invites you to break open the vessel on your previous patterns and well worn ways. This is the first New Moon in Aquarius with Pluto in Aquarius in around 248 years.

Once the vessel is cracked and this New Moon works it's magic, you will have the opportunity to rearrange the pieces of your life more mindfully, with intention, and in alignment of how you actually want to live your life. It is about being in the moment and making the changes now versus planning for some far off future.

Challenge yourself on a previous conception of work and goals and allow life's curve balls and timely misadventures to reroute you to a bright emerging path. With the New Moon's pronounced square to Uranus (planet of break-through), the path will be unpredictable so stay agile and open to cues over the next two weeks

Pluto in Aquarius will no longer support the old life strategies endorsed by Pluto in Capricorn. They will simply cause unnecessary fatigue and feel futile. This is because the radio station has already changed to Pluto in Aquarius. It’s now time to tune in with todays New Moon. What is coming up for you right now as you are reading this?

Over the past 20 years, Pluto was in Capricorn, symbolizing (in its extreme) the hierarchical structure of work hard, save up, and suffer and maybe you will be lonely at the top; ) or put all your faith in institutions which don’t care for you. This greatly attributed to the pervasive mental health crisis over the last two decades.

On Jan. 20, Pluto entered Aquarius symbolizing a changing of the guards and the potential for a more cooperative model of life. How will you step into Pluto in Aquarius with todays New Moon? Where are you willing to break open the vessel in favor of a new way?

Happy New Moon and Trust the path. We got this.

Book an astrology reading with Rebecca or the RGA Network here.