Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon in Taurus

This Full Moon will have a beautiful stabilizing influence, meaning you will have the potential to catalyze a long term vision into reality. With a grounding angle from Saturn and Pluto, you will have strength and fortitude to move through and Mercury retrograde obstacles with a clarity and vision. It also helps that Neptune supports the Moon in harmonizing aspects, so you can trust that your intuitions will be lucid in guiding the way. It's now time to graduate and step into your future self. This will also be a stellar time to discard any old habits and patterns as it has the Saturn-Pluto signature of finality. Enjoy all of the gifts that come with this Full Moon in Taurus as this is a time to celebrate your successes while foundations are laid for the future. To find out how it will impact you personally, find what house 19 degrees of Taurus will be in your natal chart.