Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius

This Lunar Eclipse lights up the axis of communication and belief (Gemini-Sagittarius) while also squaring to Mars, planet of aggression. This is the first of 3 Eclipses that will sweep into July… Between Covid, lockdown, and systemic racism being fully exposed, we have only begun to remove the scab so the injustice can be seen in the light of day, and then ultimately – the poison removed.

Note that this Eclipse is tied to the same Metonic eclipse family from 2001 – the eclipses that pre-empted 9-11. Because astrology shows cycles, we can see woven through this eclipse family that the themes of righteousness of ‘belief’ and ‘superiority’ weigh heavy. Meanwhile the whole world has never been so united through social media (Gemini/Sagittarius) a medium that has allowed us to share information across the planet, raising awareness faster than ever.

 A change in perceptual awareness is usually the first step when it comes to seeing injustice, then grief, then anger, and then taking action in any way you can. A lunar eclipse signifies an ending and a total burning up of the fields. This one occurs in Sagittarius (sign of beliefs) so at this moment we are collectively uprooting our old beliefs. We are all throwing old ideals into the fires that we once held as a truth or importance in life.

 How have your values changed since quarantine began? What is now evident to you since the murder for Floyd? And most importantly – how will we apply these values live and breathe in the fabric of your everyday life?

May these Eclipses of June and July help us to evolve thoroughly, cleanse ourselves, and our culture of its systemic abuses of power. Stay strong and bright and trust the Eclipse Light to reveal what it needs to in your life. Be willing to change and take that courageous leap. Sat Nam.

Here is a theme to read for your Sun and Rising sign.

Aries – beliefs

Taurus – views on money, trust

Gemini – relationship patterns

Cancer – relationship to your body

Leo – love

Virgo - Financial Patterns

Libra – Communication, avoidance

Scorpio – Old self-worth story

Sagittarius – How you present to the world

Capricorn – Subconscious patterns

Aquarius – Social groups

Pisces – Career vision