Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon Eclipse in Cancer

This solar eclipse will mark a fresh start as it falls on the cardinal axis of 0 degrees Cancer. While the Sun and Moon catch up to the north node in Cancer, the ocean current changes direction and we collectively shift our gaze towards Cancerian values of care and connection.

One thing we should know is that Eclipses expedite evolution and they compress timelines so this one connects us to the Saros cycle that repeats every 18 years. Think back to 2002 and what was going on in your life then as you will see echoes of that now. You may now approach a similar sequence of events, though with the wisdom you’ve garnered over time.

For the last six months (since the south eclipse of late December), we’ve all been dealing with what toxicity washed up to shore from the south node eclipse in Capricorn along with a whole stack of planets in late Capricorn. In that south node Capricorn Eclipse cycle, we faced COVID-19, the pervasive reality of institutionalized racism, colonialism and much more that had been turned a blind eye for centuries. So, timelines collapsed and we are now collectively facing the very real results of past actions. 

A south node eclipse exposes things from the past that we must face in order to move forward. In order for the consciousness on planet earth to evolve, we had to first deal with weight of systemic oppression and all artifacts of colonialism that were keeping us in the dark ages of consciousness. Eclipses do speed up evolution, though this may still be a long journey of deconstruction. Not to mention the USA is deep in its Pluto return with Jupiter & Pluto on the country’s Pluto. This is the 1776 dig where we get to fully revisit the tenets of this country - seeing how they have held up and where to go from here. We will be in this ‘return’ until 2024 so let’s start envisioning a new future because it is up to us to create it. A transition from the the role of consumer to creator will be essential here.

Ok, let’s talk about the new colors that will now come into focus today with this solar eclipse in Cancer. And let’s not forget that this eclipse will set the tone for the entire year - perhaps much longer. Since it falls at 0 degrees of Cancer, we all need to embrace the fact that there’s ‘no going back’ and get on board with a world that is beginning to open its eyes. This means that agility and courage will be your greatest assets right now. If Covid-19 did not create a stop, pause or wake-up for you and if the murder of George Floyd did not break you open to the layers of oppression in the air we breathe, then please stop now and rethink your life path because we will all be pivoting on some level moving forward. Astrology shows us that everything moves in cycles and between now and 2024, the USA as we know it will be having perhaps its most transformational moment in time and so will we all.

This 0 degree Cancer eclipse cycle invites you to a new world view and way of living that brings a greater value to compassion. Also one where we reconcile our relationship to the actual planet and fellow inhabitants. The last eclipse of this series will fall on July 4th, on the USA’s sun and this will conclude the current eclipse family. 

For this time being, you are being given a choice to take a big leap into a future that is yet unknown and begin to build your new reality there. Or you can attempt to go back to the past, though if you do try to maintain the well worn ruts of comfort, do be prepared for the rug to be pulled from underneath as eclipses show non-negotiable change. 

You will do well to trust this new emerging light and step into paths you have never traveled. The future will be painted in the new vibrant paths we trail-blaze. Wish you a graceful and evolutionary eclipse season.