New Moon in Aquarius


Today’s New Moon will Light up the futuristic air sign of Aquarius. It angles to the planet Uranus so here to awaken all parts of you out of any slumber. There may be a very real wake-up call in your life right now to point you in an unexpected direction - welcome in the change. The events around this new moon can be sudden and break-through, though they will be for connecting to a deeper level of freedom and truth 🌟As the Moon will make a challenging angle to Uranus, you will need to be agile and open to a new path that is just now emerging. Let’s welcome in this evolutionary New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on Jan. 24 at 4:42 p.m. EST

This year the planets Saturn & Jupiter will meet again as they do so every 20 years and now they will be meeting in the sign of Aquarius.

Last time Saturn and Jupiter met was in 2000 and before that, 1980. When they meet, the sign they meet in sets the theme for the next 20 years. Like in 2000 they met in Taurus which rules our earth and earthly resources like oil, produce, and our natural ecosystems. These things have all been central themes of these last 20 years as they are now at risk. So this year we move from EARTH to AIR. In other words, for the last few hundred years Saturn & Jupiter have been meeting in earth signs (we have been pulling out all resources from our earth) and now for the next few hundred years, they will meet in air signs... starting this year. it means that the whole trajectory that the industrial revolution set us on will be swept aside. There’s a new paradigm starting to permeate our consciousness and many are already acting on this. This means that the solutions to these earthly problems will not come from the same place where they were created. The answers lie in the element of AIR. And tonight there will be a New Moon in Aquarius - lighting up the sign where Jupiter & Saturn will soon meet. We may now begin to see the early signs of this grand conjunction.