Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

A Solar Eclipse will shed new light on the planet at 11:16am EST the morning of December 14, 2021. So what does this mean? Eclipses happen every 6 months and they are pattern breakers as well as pattern makers. From my experience, they course correct, ushering you into a brand new chapter of life…sometimes suddenly. Today's Eclipse is a Solar Eclipse is in Sagittarius and this will signify a bright new beginning to set the tone for your 2021.
During this mornings Eclipse, the Moon will block out the light of the Sun for about 2 minutes and all goes dark. It is as if our 'radio station', the Sun, gets turned off for a brief moment. And when it comes back online, things will be different as a brand new frequency will emanate. A new quality of light will be felt. The Sun radiates light and light encodes information so in this fated meeting and Sun and Moon, you will experience a checkpoint for your future evolution. The question here is: How is your ego self (the Sun) aligned with your soul and emotional body (the Moon)? Corrections are made here post-eclipse as we find ourselves realigning to the Sun's new transmission of light. Often after a Solar Eclipse, light dispels the dark in our lives and life propels you onto a brand new track. Stay open and listen to nature as we will not have all the answers.

This Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will hold the power of many New Moons all rolled into one and it will set your pattern for 2021. You can think back to what happened in December 2001 and the year of 2002. These events will be echoed in your life this year as every 19 years, Eclipses occur at the same degrees - the Metonic cycle. As this Eclipse will square to Neptune, information will be hidden and things will not be as they initially appear. It's interesting to note that in the US, the electoral college will announce who is president on the day of the Eclipse. There will likely be surprises we see through the weeks after Dec. 14. Now let's discuss what this patterns setting eclipse will mean for you and your year to come.

Read the Eclipse Message for your Sun Sign and Rising Sign

Aries - A year to broadcast, publish, travel and expand beyond what you thought possible

Taurus - An investment, breaking ceiling of doubt, time to open to greater financial success

Gemini - Partnership, marriage, a commitment year

Cancer - Attunement to body, important changes to upgrade your health and routine

Leo - Love, sensuality, fertility, a year for more playtime and recreation

Virgo - Home, real estate, family, a move may begin your year of 2021

Libra - Writing, learning skills, opening up your networks

Scorpio - Talent, turning hobby to income, increase of money and self-worth

Sagittarius - Physical image, self expression, A personal rebirthing year

Capricorn - Breakthrough in the mind and soul, patterns arise and clear

Aquarius - A year of collaborations, key individuals enter your life

Pisces - Professional vision and advancement or a change of vocation