Full Moon In Aquarius + Bird Stars

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Tonight’s Full Moon at 1 degree of Aquarius illuminates what it means to RISE ABOVE and to SOAR despite the heavy stressors in our life that can clearly pull us down if we go there. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Saturn and Pluto are close by this full Moon which makes things a lil dense and tense. And then there is a sacred S P A C E in early Aquarius which we are invited into with this full moon illumination.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
At this moment, we can rise up to soar like the eagle Aquila who flies highest above all or Grace the waters like the swan Cygnus and let our actions create new tributaries within our mind and body. When the pressures seem to increase, we can allow new circuitry to wire within as we rise up like these bird constellations in early Aquarius.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This Full Moon lands upon the Fixed Star Altair in the neck of the Eagle constellation Aquila, reminding us to courageously move on and upward. This star will guide you in gaining new perspectives that come from vastness and height.
The 1 degree of Aquarius Full moon also falls on the Fixed Star Albireo in beak of Cygnus, the Swan constellation. This star will guide you with Grace: though both of these stars can also get feisty and their lesson lies in our ability to zoom out and widen our lens of reality versus causing more agitation within the storm.
These 2 stars along with magical Vega in the constellation of Lyra create the Summer Triangle in the northern hemisphere. Actually you can view these 3 stars when you look up in the skies tonight.
All 3 of these stars remind us of the courage to soar beyond what is seen. A transcendence in your life happens when you live courageously and dare anchor this magick here on earth. This can happen through the channeling of music, the creation of art, poetry, ritual or the act of love. Going off-road / off-script and into the ethers will be essential at this time.
These stars will support you in creating the space for new realities to birth. Problems are not solved in the space they are created and this is absolutely true right now as shown through the bird stars connected to this full moon.
Soar my love. It’s time to take up new spaces.⠀⠀
Perhaps your current vantage point will not bring a solution, and a new perspective will be necessary. Take this weekend to step away from the norm as these Aquarian stars will guide you in finding unexpected breakthroughs. The kind that happen when you are not looking and you simply allow yourself Space.