New Moon In Cancer - Waterways



MONDAY, JULY 17, 2023 | 2:31 PM ET


This week is significant as it presents a tender new beginning which will need nourishment. A New Moon in Cancer has just opposed Pluto, squaring the nodal axis. This is a pivotal point in your reality as we are at the midpoint between eclipses. Now is your moment to shift gears into a new cadence of living.

You can imagine this New Moon in Cancer as a cold spring of fresh, high mineralized waters, emerging from beneath the earth's surface, streaming down the mountain, weaving veins through the land. The river and the sign of Cancer exemplify the power of feeling and desire to shape the earth (matter). The water is intuitive and simply knows where it must flow to find it's pouring into the sea. 

 This weeks New Moon in Cancer is here to place you into deeper connection with how you feel. Take time to thaw out on a feeling and allow that feeling to guide your next course of action, knowing the river will find it's way without you having to plan it all. Water knows. Your intention and feeling will build worlds right now, so be mindful and take time to consider what lights you up in life. Water can be seen as the strongest element, for it has the power to re-shape the stones and the earth by its flowing currents, creating the tributaries that nourish the earth, and host life. The structures and bones of your life will begin to reset based on the new feelings coursing through you. Consider these waterways as the veins in your body and trust the new life-force to open new pathways right now. The grounds are most fertile for change in this moment. Allow.

Rivers run through and shape the land, birthing civilizations, and bringing people together along its edges - think of how the Mississippi River, the Danube, the Nile, The Yangtze, and the Amazon were the birth of nourishing and sustainable life. Every river has a purpose and knows where it must flow. It is up to you to simply allow this feeling of what is nourishing to guide the way, just as how the water shapes the earth creating new life along its path. You will be supported on this lunation which angles beautifully to Neptune, allowing intuition and timely guidance to move you through.

Today’s New Moon will ask you to honor the invisible majority of the moon which appears empty and dark, knowing that is a place to birth new realities into being. It is here for you to claim what you desire. We can visibly see a faint sliver with the rest of the sphere out of sight, leaving room for your wishes, and your rivers to nourish new life into being.

Later on today I will be going on IG to discuss the current skies, so catch me on Instagram for more.