Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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The new moon in Taurus on May 5th will probably be the most auspicious moon of the year. I simply love it, as it will open new doors without any obstruction. With friendly angles to the planets, Neptune in a water sign and Saturn and Pluto in earth signs, you can land the right blend of inspiration and stability for a fertile fresh start  Find our what it will mean for your sign below: 


Plant seeds for new growth and development in your business. This new moon will awaken your sector of career and business growth. Time to step up into a larger playing field.


A stellar month for an image update. Consider all of the inner changes you have made over the lat year. Now, what would that look like on the outside? Time to invest in your unique personal self-expression.


This is your month for a deep dive personal retreat. Take time in nature and to focus on your meditation practice. You will feel invigorated and renewed.


Carve time to connect with people of like minds as key partnerships will emerge from group settings. Your initiatives will be well received.


Your fame and honors sector of the chart will be lit up, meaning it's your time to shine. This will mean increasing your support system and revenue.


Follow that desire to travel and learn this May as it will inspire your passions and romance - great time for a romantic getaway or else meet someone special on new landscapes.


You have a great eye and this month will be ideal for making those home renovations and design projects that have been on the shelf. Let your home become an expression of who you are becoming.


Clear communication will open the doors to a deeper connection with your partner - whether business of love. Both of you can grow closer with the harmonious rays of this new Moon.


This friendly new Moon lights up your health sector, giving you the perfect opportunity to begin a new workout regimen, and invest in a health routine. This time it will actually stick as Saturn makes a solid angle of commitment.


As the Spring begins, new love will be in the air. Committed? Get creative and spark up your romance with a surprise get-away.


Thinking of moving? Your soul may be craving more silence and spaciousness. If not a move, take time to create sanctuary in your current abode.


It's time to share your message on a larger scale. The new moon highlights your creative writing and speaking. A supportive class or peer group will inspire you.