Full Moon in Gemini


This Full Moon in Gemini will be at 12:12am EST Thursday morning so today, the lunar magnetism will be at its height. This will be a time where communication will flow as nothing blocks the rays of this beautiful lunation. It’s time to open up a new dialogue where conversations were more challenging in the past and also carve time to reconnect and connect with those who you want in your life.

Find the Full Moon message for your sign below as this will be the area of life where you will see things rise in priority.

Aries - contracts, communications and writing

Taurus - Income, spending

Gemini - personal appearance, energy

Cancer - meditation, solitude

Leo - festivities, friends, bonding

Virgo - career goals, advancement

Libra - broadcasting, publishing, media

Scorpio - financial collaborations, investment

Sagittarius - a relationship becomes clear

Capricorn - focus on health and eliminating habits

Aquarius - love is revealed, fertility high

Pisces - family matters, real estate