Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon in Scorpio

This New Moon will be challenging as it will ask for you to expand beyond your previous limitations in one area of your life. Stay agile, because there will be no benefit to holding on to the old ways here. It appears that there is something happening beyond your control with the exact opposition to Uranus. Change will be inevitable so your flexibility and grace will be key. This will be an opportunity to break from the old safe patterns and step into that which is unknown.

You will need to expand and open up to a greater level of trust in order to do this, and that will take courage. If you try to hold your grip on the past, this can cause great tension within. Either way though, feelings of anxiety, sleeplessness and nervousness can all be symptoms of this Uranus opposition as the body is trying to cope. This is an opportunity for you to build new neural pathways within yourself as you discard your old patterns that had kept you in fear. As Uranus opposes the Sun, your neurons begin to fire in new ways, and this can give the sensation of anxiety or excitement. It is how you respond to that stimuli that will make all the difference. Do you block this new channel or expand to hold more energy?  You are the architect opening up the space, so that you may inhabit a more expanded version of yourself. Stay with it. You got this babe. xo

Things to watch out for

-        Decisions based on fears

-        Speaking / Acting too quickly

-        Outbursts, Anxiety, Tension

How to Manage this New Moon

-        Take time to pause and shift the course

-        Follow the new path emerging that is unknown

-        Trust the process of change releasing your old reality construct

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

-        Ralph Waldo Emerson

To find out how this will impact your sign read your New Moon Horoscope below. No matter what this is about for you, it is an opportunity to approach an old story differently and rewire this part of yourself. Now is the time to set your intention in the specific area of your life which you see below. Make sure to read for your Sun sign and rising sign.

I also wanted to share with you this new moon meditation from one of the Astrology School alumni. She is also a stellar hypnotherapist. Thank you, Renee!


Aries – It will be time to finally invest in yourself. You will be releasing an old glass ceiling in regards to your finances and open up to greater potential as you do this.

Taurus – A new (chapter in your) relationship is emerging. Look at your need to break free and communicate with care as you are the one who is changing deeply. A new approach will be essential.

Gemini – Your body will want your attention this month as this New Moon will ask you to honor and inhabit your physical form in a new way. This will mean releasing the thought form that was underlying this habit.

Cancer – You are being asked to trust your heart and explore this new person or endeavor that is emerging. It will require courage to break from what was expected.

Leo – It seems that you are redefining your sense of ‘place’ right now. It is as if your worldly ambitions are expanding beyond your current space. As the root system expands, it outgrows its plot of land.

Virgo – A contract or agreement is in works and this will be a game changer for the way in which you communicate with the world. Seems as new form of technology will be a key ingredient to this delivery.

Libra – You are ready to see yourself in a new light and this will mean loving yourself more and knowing that you deserve more. As you open up to your true worth, you remove all constructs that negated it.

Scorpio – It is time to consider all of the changes you have made inside over the past year and now you can begin to portray those on the outside. This will reflect in how you now will handle a certain partnership.

Sagittarius – It will be time to hit that reset button and this means first letting go – letting go of the reality you have grown to know so that you can actually step into a more vulnerable and real version of you.

Capricorn – This New Moon will invite you to collaborate with likeminded people on a shared vision. Your input will be highly valued, though be ready to travel out of your comfort zones and accept the challenge.

Aquarius – You are ready for a break-through in career and this will mean exploring a new medium or technology to get your message across. Opportunities will arise that showcase your emerging skills.

Pisces – This will be your month to connect to a publisher, agent, or bring your teachings to a larger audience. The angle from Uranus shows that learning new skills and technologies will hold keys.