By: Hayley Kaufman, RGA Network Astrologer


Rihanna (neé Robin Fenty) is a force to be reckoned with. A powerhouse performer, self-made billionaire, aesthetic arbiter, and all-around cool girl, this Barbados-born artist has a birth chart as dynamic as she is. Come take a trip through the stardusted galaxy as we explore Rihanna’s distinctive cosmic signature. 

RiRi’s Big Three poses an interesting dichotomy: How do you reconcile the need to merge with something greater while also forging your own path? With a spiritually inclined and naturally artistic Pisces Sun in the eleventh house of the collective, her creative endeavors offer an opportunity to connect, inspire, and resonate with like-minded listeners and loyal fans. Her influence can also be felt through humanitarian causes—her outspoken support for social justice, and other causes close to her heart, is something she champions through her work and philanthropic endeavors. Her solar energies make a sextile to a power-packed stellium in the ninth house, signifying a deeply spiritual inclination and a visionary mindset. Tapping into a greater consciousness, she is able to reshape and reimagine a completely new archetype of fame, femininity, and empowerment that resonates deeply with her audience. It’s no wonder that RiRi completely disrupted the beauty industry by being the first to offer a multitude of foundation shades to match a diverse array of skin tones through her ultra-successful namesake makeup brand, Fenty. 

Rihanna’s closely connected Aries Moon and ascendant offer trailblazing energy that truly sets her apart and inspires a prolific entrepreneurial spirit. Fiery and fierce, her Moon and Venus conjunct the ascendant not only heighten her relentless drive to succeed but with the Venusian influence, she moves through the world with charm, grace, and a sprinkle of that intangible and intoxicating Rihanna je ne sais quoi. With a kiss from Mercury in Aquarius, her Moon-Venus-ascendant conjunction also allows her music, message, and vibe to connect with a wide range of people while she remains completely herself. 

Jupiter in Aries in the first house of identity offers an auspicious energy and a larger-than-life quality—and true to form, with Rihanna, there’s no holding her back. Big thinkers, business leaders, philosophers, adventurers, and mega-stars tend to have this Jupiter placement (think Jeff Bezos and Mick Jagger). There’s no subtlety here, big moves only. With the benefic planet in Aries, that Big Ram Energy makes her a courageous risk-taker and natural entrepreneur, and with a number of smashingly successful businesses, RiRi is delivering on this high-energy cosmic promise. 

Like her fellow Millennials, Rihanna has Pluto in Scorpio, which drives the multi-hyphenate singer and her generational peers to get to the bottom of the matter in the hopes of excavating the truth. Found in her seventh house of close relationships, this also signifies where RiRi is most powerful and has the capacity to transform and reimagine herself. In romantic partnerships, she has the capacity to take soul-level deep dives and explore unseen realms of experience and taboo territories. There’s also a potent, sensual power contained here, as evidenced in how comfortable she is with her sexuality—think songs like “Sex with Me” and her inclusive lingerie line Savage X Fenty that continues to push boundaries and break the mold. 

Rihanna’s lunar nodes reside on the Virgo-Pisces axis and occupy the ritual-and-routine ruled sixth and mystical twelfth houses. This is the plane where the heavens and earth meet. The Piscean North Node is comfortably cosmic in its twelfth house placement and the Virgo South Node is also situated in its natural home of the sixth house signifying RiRi’s karmic purpose to bring her deep connection with spirit down to earth and to serve a greater purpose in an impactful, tangible way.


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