Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Venus in Scorpio

Venus ventures into the underworld today.

The love languages and codes are now changing as she travels into deeper and darker spaces.

She has moved from flirtatious and charming Libra where we wink and smile across the table, to the depths of Scorpio where you peer into each other’s soul and edges of discomfort.

This reminds me of the 8 of cups in the Mythic Tarot where Persephone steps into the underworld, going into the dark unknown where you can lose yourself in love and then find yourself again. When you emerge though, there will be deeper contrasts breaks, mends and colors. The key here in Scorpio is that something must be given up. There is a kind of trust sacrifice to make if this relationship or path will continue.

With Venus in Scorpio, your relationship will undoubtedly change. It will change because your limits, trust, and vulnerability will be tested. If a relationship ends during this passage, it is usually because one or both of you are afraid of what the next step may be. If you are in a strong relationship, this can be a dynamic time to explore the edges with each other and reach deeper layers of trust and truth. If you are just meeting someone for the first time, this relationship will have the mark of intensity and likely change the way you see love.

Let’s welcome Venus into Scorpio. Trust the path.