New Moon in Sagittarius





Today is the first new Moon after the eclipses. It’s said that an eclipse echoes its message one month before and one month after to exact the day. So the week of October 25 and the week of December 25 hold the DNA of our South Node Solar eclipse in Scorpio that was Nov 25. In other words, these eclipse winds of change are still coursing through your world so stay awake and agile.

You have likely seen a profound truth reveal itself over the last month as the Scorpio eclipse pulled back the curtains on what was hidden. Often eclipse revelations leave us with a tall order and it can feel daunting to see what lies ahead. You may now be experiencing a blend of fear, excitement and a sobering awareness that we must leave something behind in order to go forward.

Todays New Moon shines from the realm of fiery and free-wheeling Sagittarius. As we rise from the deep waters of the Scorpio eclipse, you will now be given a call to adventure and this requires action.

The sky has now changed dramatically as Venus, Mercury, the Sun and Moon all gather in the fire sign of Sagittarius to create a new kind of vibrancy and call to what is more joyful. This lunation will remind you to have a look around, explore a new road, to get out of your own way and have a laugh at it all.

Read for your sun & rising

Aries - your life is about to expand beyond what you saw possible. Say yes to this opportunity abroad and embrace new horizons.

Taurus - Your attitude is your altitude so now you will flip that financial script and open to greater abundance.

Gemini - Life doesn’t need to look perfect for a partnership. With Mars now retrograde in Gemini, your vulnerability will be your charm.

Cancer - This week is hands down, your best time to start a new health regimen that sticks and one that you actually enjoy.

Leo - You are ready for deeper expression of love and one that invites in more fun and laughter. Renew or begin anew.

Virgo - Reconnecting to your familial roots will be restoring and will also show you how much you have grown. Set sights for your version of “home” now.

Libra - Say yes to learning a new skill and the doors that it will open. People you meet now will open new horizons.

Scorpio- New income opportunities will look promising now so ask the question “how can I best share my true gifts with the world?”.

Sagittarius- You will shine brightly as planets gather in your sign. Revive your wardrobe and personal expression as eyes are on you.

Capricorn - Seems that you are in need of a luxurious reset whether that’s time in nature, a resort, or meditative retreat. Grace will guide you.

Aquarius - Carve out time for special group outings and festivities as you welcome in a new celebratory and social month.

Pisces - You are supported in your grand vision right now as lucky Jupiter and Neptune grace through Pisces. Todays new moon will actualize your career vision.