Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus & What it Means for You





Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes

Read for your sun & rising sign

Today’s Lunar Eclipse is in Taurus and it is perhaps the most potent I have ever seen as it is in direct contact with Uranus (planet of the unexpected - the electrical shock). Uranus is what we call an evolutionary planet meaning that it does not give you what you are ready for and neither does a Lunar Eclipse.

Instead, It invites you to a mission which is far beyond what your soul is ready to handle in your current state of being… And therefore you must grow and evolve to expand your awareness in order to cross this threshold. This stretching is raw, real, revelatory, and no small feat. It takes time to process the magnitude of this paradigm shift you are now going through so give yourself breaks.

Imagine there is a rickety old bridge at the end of a cliff laying ahead of you. The ground you are now standing on feels old and tired and perhaps it’s even not sustainable any longer.. At one time, it was comfortable and now it feels limiting and lifeless - it’s simply no longer a fit. See how much you have evolved since. You are the one that is now changing shape to expand beyond the limits of your prior self.

Todays eclipse sends a lighting bolt to the land you now stand on, making it clear that this bridge must be crossed. Yes, there is fear, there is the unknown and still you will walk courageously into your future life which you may now only have a faint glimpse of.

Once you get to the other side, the bridge falls into the waters. This is the gift of eclipse season. New people or opportunities will enter your life guiding you across the bridge into the present unknown. Embrace this journey for a more colorful and rich reality lies ahead.

You may be releasing an old fear, a relationship, a thought pattern, a job, a habit, as you cross the bridge. The good news is that there has never been a better time as whatever you leave behind today will remain in the past. Catharsis is the only way out of Eclipse Season. You’ll realize that once you cross the bridge, you’ll want to also throw over any extra bags for they will only weigh you down.

A lunar eclipse is a non-negotiable chapter ending in your life. It’s potency burns a hole in our skies - so much that this point of 16 degrees of Taurus will remain *hot* for the entire year ahead and perhaps much longer.

Collectively, we will feel an electrical shock sent through the sign of Taurus. This means that our values are now realigning, our entire financial system is now realigning behind the curtains, though all of this will not happen without a few ‘inconvenient’ shock waves to push us forward. Surges and power outages in the current model are all part of the process. Things will eventually settle into a new reality that’s not yet in full view. This new reality will be uniquely supportive to where you are growing and going. Trust the eclipse path .

Aries - shockwaves are sent through the security and income sector of your chart, showing you where you must release the grip in order to grow. A new financial model is available and it may not be in the form of pay check.

Taurus - Perhaps it’s come to your attention that you are the one who needs to let go of the masks, the clothes, and all of those roles you played. You’ve outgrown them by far so take time to vision the vastness of your potential. This also means that your closest relationships will need to transform along with you.

Gemini - True, the subconscious mind runs the show. And now you are seeing the architecture created by longtime thought patterns. Today is the day to tell yourself a new story and break this habit

Cancer - this eclipse will show you where you are growing in a different direction than the people and groups you have spent time with. As you create more emptiness in your life, bright new seeds will take root.

Leo - Leaving behind an old paradigm of career is undoubtedly daunting yet absolutely necessary. You will let go of the safe and comfortable in favor of what is pure growth and evolution.

Virgo - You are ready to graduate and this means it’s enough saying you are not ready and filling your days with procrastination. It’s time to shift the gaze to what’s actually important. Commit to that book, that project or new field of study.

Libra - Glass ceilings are sometimes inherited and now you clearly seeing the limiting beliefs to release. This in itself will open you up to greater financial abundance and joy. Your reality is about to grow bright new horizons.

Scorpio - Whether you are single or committed, there are patterns in partnerships which must be left in the dust. A part of your relationship needs evolve or extinguish so both of you can be true to who you are. Single? Let go of the old love story.

Sagittarius - Your Body is the vessel for your soul and in order for you to evolve into your highest potential right now, an unhealthy habit must be left behind. When you let go of that habit on the lunar eclipse, there’s no turning back. Your soul will thank you.

Capricorn - True love will be revealed and all that is not true love will also reveal on this eclipse. Truth serum delivers unexpectedly and it is exactly what you need to be free. Some Caps will even discover a baby is on the way. Listen, observe, and trust this.

Aquarius - The ground is shifting beneath you and this could be a move, a sudden real estate opportunity, or perhaps you will discover something hidden with your roots or family of origin. Clear ancestral patterns and move onwards.

Pisces - It appears that an important contact is landing on your desk this week. There will be definitive fears and doubts you’ll need to work through. Take your Time and don’t let anyone rush you. This will have long term value in your life.