Solar Eclipse in Scorpio





Today is the day your life will rearrange. This Eclipse is truth serum and whatever is not in alignment with your highest truth will need to go. This may apply to your career, a relationship, a habit, or even where and how you are living. Based on your birthday, the Eclipse will influence each sign differently. 

On this Solar Eclipse today, the moon will stand directly in front of the Sun, blocking all light for all of five minutes. In that five minutes, the 'radio station' of the Sun gets turned off completely. And when the Eclipse is all said and done, that old radio station will not be found again. The music will have changed and so will you. A new quality of light will shine through your world after the Eclipse, and you simply will not want to go back. It will not be possible if you try either. This begins the process. Welcome in the new even if you do not know where it will take you... Trust the growth, even if it may be uncomfortable.

You may want to look to events in the fall of 2004, 1986 and 1968 as these years will resonate with what is happening right now in your life. What can you learn from that year? What was the theme? Choose the path wisely as you have learned so much since then.

Here is what the eclipse will mean for you. It will set a pattern for your year ahead and point to exactly where you will need to lean into a risk. Read for your Sun and your Rising Sign.

Aries - Investments will pay off, whether financial, time or energy, lean into it.

Taurus - Face the truth in your relationship and this could be your marriage year.

Gemini - A new health regimen and routine will transform your life - it's time.

Cancer - Let love in and it will grow. The universe wants you to have more fun.

Leo - Begin to loosen the grip on what you see as 'home' - it could be better.

Virgo - An important contract or agreement will invite in growth and take you far.

Libra - Your income will skyrocket this year if you simply trust your talents.

Scorpio - You are ready to shed away doubt and step into your true power this year.

Sagittarius - Your inner world will receive inspiration, revival, and restoration.

Capricorn - Re-ignite your dreams because this year you will meet those who believe

Aquarius - Your career will be on fire this year when you take the risk.

Pisces - A perfect year to publish, print, and share your wisdom with the world.