Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Hello sun Queens & Kings. Lets look at your year ahead... It kicks off with a luscious new moon in Leo setting a rhythm of creative expression and more love for your new solar year. After months of stand still and frustration, Jupiter finally goes direct in the love & creativity sector - opening up untapped potentials. Jupiter is strongly positioned here supporting you between mid August - November.

Early December will point to a potential engagement or new love which may fully emerge as a result. This also may be the birth of your new creative project into the world.

In 2020 Jupiter wants to focus on your physical body. Your health and routine will become the centerpiece of life as you build sustainable patterns that will last. Also this year will be a spectacular time to hire new staff. Time to get healthy and enjoy your days and work atmosphere more so.

You are ruled by the sun - our eternal life giver - so upgrading your health and lifestyle routines will only turn up your solar radiance to give even more life to the world. You’ll also have more energy to complete those important (though not urgent) projects that have been sitting on the shelf.

Here’s to your birthday and a new chapter beginning.

Leo’s and Leo friends, if you have not yet booked your birthday reading or gift session, now is a great time to set that up and optimize your year ahead!